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Why Now Is The Time to Sell

As prices increase the pool of available buyers that are qualified for your home, that want to buy a home in your location, with your condition etc. is getting smaller. With high & further increasing interest rates, the pool of available buyers that can actually afford your home is going to get smaller and smaller. If there’s less buyers for your home in the future, do you think your home is going to be worth more or worth less? There’s one other scary factor that will affect your home sale: consumer confidence. What if buyers in your market, because of increased rates and increased prices, become weary like they did in 2008, 2009, & 2010? Their lack of confidence in the market could eliminate all potential buyers of your home.

Now is the time to sell if now is the best time for you and your family!

To learn more about the market or about selling your home contact us today at 256.799.9000 or email

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