An all-cash offer on your home is an attractive sale. No waiting for the bank appraisal, no worrying if the buyer will be approved for the loan, and a quick close. So how do you generate a cash offer on your home?
First, understand who operates a cash buyer. There are house buying companies–like those advertised on billboards and road signs–that buy your home as-is for under market value without lender financing. Other cash buyers are real estate investors seeking investment properties to grow their portfolio. Some buy and hold properties, while others remodel and sell. Finally, some are home buyers looking for their dream home who have the means to buy with cash.
To garner interest to create a cash sale, you need to:
1- Price competitively
Cash buyers are less likely to pay more than what they feel the home is worth. Some will offer fair market value, but others seek a good deal because they intend to use their purchase as an investment. Price your home competitively to its style and location to get their interest.
A local real estate agent can show you recently sold comparable properties in proximity to your neighborhood and give you a fair market value estimate. List your home close to the current sales price to generate cash buyer interest.
2- Find the right agent
If you plan to list on the open market, use a real estate agent to market your home to potential all-cash buyers. They assess your home’s condition, price point, and location to position the marketing to appeal to cash buyers. Find the right real estate agent by looking for one with a track record of selling homes quickly.
3- Use our home seller programs
Amanda Howard Sotheby’s International Realty offers two programs that might interest you if you want a cash sale.
Our Guaranteed Sale Program agrees to sell the home for a specific price by an agreed-upon date, or Amanda Howard Sotheby’s International Realty buys the home. We discuss the full pricing and terms with you before signing any agreement. This option could be ideal for you if the reason you want a cash sale is to put funds down on your next home.
The Immediate Sale Program helps sellers wanting the fastest out. Our brokerage delivers an “as-is” offer in as little as one business day. The owners could be at the closing table in 10-14 days with no hassle.
A cash sale is appealing because it’s quicker and requires less legwork. Do be wary of the scams that operate in the “sell your house for cash” space. Seek a reputable buyer that isn’t going to waste your time and will close the deal.