7 Things Homebuyers Should Do
Welcome back to my video blog. When you purchase your home, for the first year it can feel like that honeymoon phase: no more rent, no more landlord, it’s your rules! Along with those perks, though, come some new responsibilities. That’s why I have a list of seven different things you should do when you purchase your new home.
1. Prepare for breakage. It’s nice not answering to a landlord but that means you have to foot the bill on all repairs, now. Set aside 1-3% of your homes initial price each year to have money for the unexpected repairs.
2. Form inspection habits. Routinely and thoroughly checking your crawl space, roofing, etc. can help catch problems in their early stages, which can save you money.
3. Buy plenty of air filters. Replacing your air filters is one of the easiest ways to save money; it increases the longevity of your heating and air system. Buy in bulk, that way replacing is easier. You should generally replace your filter every 1-2 months. Not only will it save you money, but breathing in clean air is healthier for you and your family.
4. Get to know your appliances. Just like you would get to know your car, do the same with your appliances. Find out the average lifetime of your appliance so you can plan your budget accordingly.
5. Take advantage of tax credits. Now that you own your home, you have many new tax breaks and advantages. You may want to hire a tax accountant to help you!
6. Start keeping records. From caulking the sink to remodeling the kitchen, keep track of all your repairs. All of these add value to your home.
7. Beef up your insurance. Your home is one of the most valuable things in your life; protect it! We suggest making sure you have great flood and fire protection.
These are seven tips to help you as you start your new life as a homeowner. By doing these you are laying a foundation that will last years to come!
If you have any questions about your new home, or are ready to buy or sell, please give me a call!