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3 Upgrades to Consider When Buying New Construction Homes

New home construction can be a challenge because the home buyer has many options to choose from. Some options are easy to decide upon, and other options are not so easy because of cost or uncertainty about their real value added. There are many methods of determining which options you should really add. You can consult with suppliers of the options, perhaps consult with an architect, and review their usefulness as may be reported on the web sites.

Many options are easiest to add during the framing stage of construction, or before hardscape is laid. So, good planning for your added options is essential. Here are 3 upgrades that are recommended by experts who sell homes.

Promenade in Huntsville AL

More Storage

How often have people said “you never have enough storage?” Often it is true because a builder does not have any idea how much storage the buyer needs. It is equally true that the buyer doesn’t know how much storage they really need if they have been stuffing clothes in closets and in make shift storage containers. The National Association of Realtors have stated that the one item nearly every home does not have enough of is storage. Not having enough storage makes a house uncomfortable to live in, and it makes the house difficult to sell. The solution to this problem is to carefully analyze what you would need to store the clothes and items that you want to keep in an organized fashion.

Floor Covering

The buyer will see the flooring material every day, and the panorama of the floor will add a dimension of beauty to the kitchen and dining area especially. Just picture a view of the floor in all directions, and imagine the delightful look you will see with one of the many exotic materials on your floor. Look for a durable material that will hold up under kids, dogs and cats as well as husbands. Such floors are available. Many of the hardwood floors come from buildings that have a historic past.

A Larger Garage

Many new home buyers wish they would have bought a wider and longer garage with a door that will last 20 years. The best garage size is 24’d x 26′ w. This will accommodate the larger SUVs, the large pickup trucks, and still allow room to walk around. The double doors should be insulated and operate on an electric motor lift. The doors should be 10’ w x 9’ h.

For More Information

If you’d like more information about moving to Huntsville or about buying a new construction home, feel free to contact us (click here) or view our current new construction listings.

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